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Tag Archives: Tampa Employment Law Attorneys


Supreme Court Rules that Companies can Use Arbitration Clauses in Employee Contracts

By Saady & Saxe, P.A. |

Late Last month, the Supreme Court issued a ruling on the use of arbitration clauses in employment contracts that could have a significant impact on employee rights across the country.  The Issue   A few weeks ago, the Supreme Court released a ruling on an issue that goes to the heart of many employment-related… Read More »

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Supreme Court States that it Will not Broaden Whistleblower Protections

By Saady & Saxe, P.A. |

Late last month, the U.S. Supreme Court  refused to broaden the protections offered to employees who report employment-related misconduct. Instead, the Court ruled that whistleblowers must file claims of wrongdoing with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) before they will gain any protection from retaliation by their employers. The ruling could have important implications… Read More »

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Protections for Disabled Individuals Under the ADA: Service Animals

By Saady & Saxe, P.A. |

Both federal and state law prohibits discrimination against those with disabilities, both in the employment setting, and the public accommodation setting. This means that most businesses are required to take certain steps to ensure that disabled individuals have reasonable access to their property, which includes allowing them to use service animals. What Qualifies as… Read More »

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The Current State of the New Federal Overtime Laws

By Saady & Saxe, P.A. |

Last May, the Obama administration announced that the Department of Labor (DOL) would be issuing a new rule that overhauled federal overtime regulations. If enforced, the new rule would have extended overtime pay protections to more than four million workers. However, in December, a federal judge issued an injunction preventing implementation of the recent… Read More »

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Whistleblower Claims Under the False Claims Act

By Saady & Saxe, P.A. |

The False Claims Act allows private individuals to file lawsuits against other people or entities who have directly or indirectly defrauded the federal government. Those who alert the government of violations that constitute fraud are often referred to as “whistleblowers” and are granted certain protections from retaliation. The FCA A person, entity, or business… Read More »

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